*Available at ABC Carpet and Home

Purple Rug, Purple Rug

mostly purple, a piece of a green skirt, tag with button
I made this rug at my daughter's request.  Purple t-shirts are hard to come by.  I visit my local Salvation Army every Wednesday (half-price day) to load up on shirts.  The woman there calls me
The T-Shirt Guy.

gray/green rug detail

checkerboard with green stripe

detail, orange and pink stripes

irregular shape, kids' clothes

detail, child's shirt

detail, yellow stripes

detail, floral pajamas

detail knot

detail, 4 color

detail, blue and yellow

irregular shape, rag rug

irregular shape, world colors

earth tones with striped shirt


detail, color pattern

detail, color pattern

Chunky rug with pajamas and Superman logo